This disney set of Alice, we got it from XiaoLong store, Midvalley. The manufacturer are from TOMY. The quality are very accurate, nice and very close to the disney cartoon. Of course, it will be slightly more expensive than normal because it is the collector item. Each character cost us about RM30.00.
This is the key chain set we saw it at Taiwan and we love it so much. We bought it back at about RM50 for the whole set. Isn't it very worth it and the quality are very good. The collection is quite complete except there is no caterpillar, the rose and the card :P
I saw this Match box when I was in Bugis Junction, Singapore. Cannot resist and bought it back at SG10.00. :P
During one of our walk at the Amcorp mall flea bazaar, we saw this. This is the Original Alice in the Wonderland character from the Novel (not from disney design). It look cute and John cant resist, he know he have to buy it to add on to his collection :P
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